‘Tis the Season for Great Conversations

During the holiday season, we will be around more family and friends, so this Let’s Talk is about how to have great conversations. Great conversations are ones that bring connection and attachment, influence us on how we think about life and the future, help us to feel heard and understood, and allow us to be ourselves. When we have these conversations with God and friends, we will grow into who God is calling us to be.

Further Study:

Listen to the podcast episode, How to Have a Spiritual Conversation, to learn more about going deeper in your relationships and conversations.

Read the book of Matthew to learn how Jesus had great conversations with those around him.

iPhone Development – All That Needs To Be Known About iPhone Application Development

iPhone is an exceptional kind of mobile phone launched by Apple Inc. The features of iPhone are so versatile that it is considered one of the best smart phones available in the market.

Website Development and Design – Some of the Important Essentials

No matter what they say, the online businesses may be a new industry, but it is an innovation that will live on for a long time. This new industry is the one important factor that could make the traditional businesses gains a foothold on the global market. Now, for those who have online businesses, it is very important to have a functional and effective website. Here are the following essentials for an effective website.

How to Make a Website Icon for the Address Bar

Making an icon for your website that will be displayed on the address bar is a great way to help your website stand out form your competition. This type of icon is also known as a ‘favicon,’ which is short for ‘favorite icon.’ Along with helping your website stand out, these little icons are also added to a bookmark should visitors decide to make your website a favorite. This will once again bring more exposure for you and your website.

Making a Website Without Spending a Fortune

Having your own website can be very beneficial.  You can get your ideas out into the world, you can start a business or even give the world more knowledge. The only problem is that creating a super website could cost a fortune.

5 Questions To Ask Before Choosing a Web Developer

Web developers have different levels of expertise. While two different web developers may claim five years of experience, one might be more capable and match your needs more closely. In addition to the usual interview questions, try asking these 5 questions to find the right web developer for your next project.

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