MongoDB Crash Course 2022

In this video, I will introduce you to MongoDB Atlas, the multi-cloud application data platform from MongoDB, and walk you through how to set up and connect to the database, loading sample data and performing CRUD operations.

This video will provide you with a basic understanding and way to get started with MongoDB Atlas, but you will learn that there are a variety of other features and ways to interact with your data available, providing you the flexibility to interact in the way that best suits your needs.

▶ Register for MongoDB Atlas:

▶ MongoDB Cheat Sheet:

▶ Check out this tutorial to see the 5 different ways to deploy a free database with MongoDB Atlas:

▶ Join the MongoDB community:

▶ MongoDB YouTube Channel:


Presented By:
▶ Senior Developer Advocate at MongoDB – Jesse Hall aka codeSTACKr:
▶ @codeSTACKr:

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