‘There Is Evil In This World’: Cruz Calls For Stronger Protections For Houses Of Worship

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) Friday delivered remarks following a meeting with Tarrant County officials about the January hostage situation at a Texas synagogue.

The New CSS3 Box Shadow Effect

The Version 3 of Cascading Style Sheets or CSS3 has many exciting features that are being implemented. It has now become really easy and simple for designers to create effects with CSS3 for which they had to use Photoshop or some other image editing software before.

Taking Your Website International With a Professional Translation Company

For many online start-up businesses, they aim to satisfy the local market initially. Still, their long term goal is generally to face the international market. However, in order for an online business to venture into a new foreign market, it will have to present its website in a way that is attractive to the new market audiences.

Understanding Why to Convert PSD to XHTML

Before you decide to go and search for ways to convert PSD to XHTML, you first need to be told just what PSD and XHTML are. After you have identified the difference between the two, you need to then understand why you should convert both a PSD file into an XHTML file and a PSD to a CSS.

How to Make My Own Website – First Steps

Building websites is now easier than ever before with all the tools floating around these days. However, the average person knows little, if anything, on how to start up such a thing. By typing in something like “how to make my own website” in search, you have taken the first step. Now that your foot is positioned firmly in the door, we can outline the simple steps needed in creating and maintaining your first website.

HTML 5 and the Future of Web Design

The face of web design is changing and will soon go through a further metamorphosis. Two similar languages will compete for top billing, HTML 5 and XHTML 2.0. The two competitors appear almost equal at the starting gate, but a closer look reveals that the two APIs have similar capabilities, but there are several fundamentally differences in these two standards.

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