Dave Filoni’s Big Announcement For Luke Skywalker & Grogu! GET READY (Star Wars Explained)

With the book of boba fett chapter 6 now out on disney plus…..star wars fans are waiting for the book of boba fett chapter 7 to arrive….we will be going into some new star wars leaks and star wars news that has to do wiht luke skywalkerv and grogu as well as creator dave filoni and jon favreau…..this star wars leak will also involve george lucas…..recently with the book of boba fett luke skywalker scene…..fans were very excited to see luke training grogu and especially luke skywalker meeting ahsoka tano in the series…….with the book of boba fett luke and grogu scene such a great gateway for jon and dave to handle things differently. When luke skywalker raises frogs to when ahsoka speaks with luke! the fact that luke skywalker and ahsoka tano tlak is very much amazing on dave filonis part. the book of boba fett luke scene with luke skywalker training grogu is so beautiful.


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Animated Intro Designed by https://www.youtube.com/user/w0r3xDCze


Fire filmed in the outro by

Music in the outro is by Benn Down The Divider (Reprise) from his Zombies III Album.

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