Learn The MERN Stack – Express & MongoDB Rest API

In this video, we will create a RESTful API from scratch with Node.js, Express, MongoDB and Mongoose.

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0:00 – Intro
2:41 – How a REST API Works
6:13 – Set up the Project Folder
10:11 – Initialize GIT & Commit
10:46 – Basic Express Server
12:12 – Environment Variables
13:28 – First Route
15:51 – Routes File
20:34 – Creating a Controller
24:44 – Connecting Controller Functions
26:40 – Accepting Body Data
28:41 – Error & Exception Handling
34:21 – Express Async Handler
36:46 – Create MongoDB Database
42:02 – Connect with Mongoose
47:02 – Create a Model
49:35 – Get Goals
51:30 – Create Goal
52:56 – Update Goal
55:22 – Delete Goal

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