State Dept Responds To Report U.S. Is Discouraging Countries From Taking Afghan Refugees

Wednesday, State Department Press Secretary Ned Price was pressed on some reports stating that the U.S. is discouraging countries from taking in Afghan refugees.

How to Make Your Medical Practice Website More Productive

One of the main reasons that a medical website is constructed is for physician marketing. It is there to enable a doctor to spread the news about his/her services and other offerings to a wider market. However, what many may not know is that a website could be used for more than that.

Take Your Own Decision – Static Site Or CMS

There are many things you have to consider when you are thinking of having a website designed or redesigned. In this article I will try to explain some of the main issues related to static HTML and content management systems.

Economize Your Web Development Effort

If you’ve locked yourself away in a dark room, subsisting on coffee and pizza while you develop the website that’s going to allow your business or idea to revolutionize the world, then stop right now, open the curtains, take a break and read this. First off, it’s likely that whatever your trying to design or create has already been done in one form or another – even if your application is completely unique, the vast majority of your website will still have attributes that are common to other websites.

Why You Should Launch Your Own Web Directory

One of the easiest types of web sites to launch is a link directory. Just download one of the free or inexpensive PHP software packages, install, configure, add some categories, add some links and you’re off! Having your own directory isn’t a bad idea, despite what some pundits might think, for a number of reasons which I’ll outline.

Earn Online Income With a Professional Website!

To earn Online Income, you need a presence on the internet, starting with a very professional website. The nice thing today is with all the updated software creating a website presence isn’t that hard. You can still use HTML or install a word-press website, which practically installs itself.

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