What God Revealed to Me in Heaven

What God revealed to me in Heaven may surprise you. I observed God the Father pouring forth answered prayers through Jesus in Heaven, and what the Holy Spirit said to me should empower you to attain a breakthrough in your life. In this video I will explain the dynamics of our prayers as God hears them in Heaven. Get ready to discover answered prayers in unexpected places, because God will always answer your prayer with a… (find out the answer here).
#Afterlife, #God, #Heaven, #Prayer

Revelations From Heaven: https://bit.ly/3J7bsUm
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From Coder to Online Entrepreneur (Part 6) Silence is Not Golden

If you’re a software developer, you probably already possess many of the technical skills you need to build a money-making website. This set of articles aims to provide a step-by-step guide to using your existing skills to create your own online business.

From Coder to Online Entrepreneur (Part 5) Keep Them Coming Back

If you’re a software developer, you probably already possess many of the technical skills you need to build a money-making website. This set of articles aims to provide a step-by-step guide to using your existing skills to create your own online business.

Learn the Very Simple Steps to Building a Website That Works

Have you ever considered building your own website? Building a site, if you have very little technical knowledge can seem like an insurmountable task.

When Web Development Starts to Take Into Account the User

Up until a few years ago, web development was gone about in a utilitarian kind of way. Something needed to get done, and a quick and logical solution was found for it. Technologies such as cgi, asp, ajax all came about to give answers to difficult questions such as how to create dynamic pages. Php eventually won out by being the most efficient and easy-to-learn language along with MySql databases. With great support and free software, these were the best web development solutions out there for the common user.

Your Landing Page Needs to Be Improved!

Your landing page is your first impression – and you know what they say about first impressions. Learn some basic steps to create that fantastic landing page that will increase your online sales!

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