Angular 12 – Creating your first project

This video shows you how to set up your first Angular 12 project using the Angular CLI. We talk about how to use the the new command and the serve command to create this project and then ultimately run it.

This Angular tutorial is current as of April 2020. This is just one tutorial it what will be a free course. As a pre-requisite for these videos I do assume you have the Angular CLI for version 9 installed already, which means you also have a reasonably up to date version of Node and NPM.

You will also require knowledge in Typescript to follow along with this course. Also a solid understanding of javascript is needed. I do also recommend that you have done some previous front end development before taking on this course as well.

Previous videos in this course:-

Installing the Angular CLI –

Check out all our other courses on Udemy:

Mastering CSS Grid 2020 – With 3 cool projects:
CSS Flexbox in Depth 2020:

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