Don’t Let Me Die – The Heiler Chronicles

Don’t Let Me Die: The Heiler Chronicles

Written by: Charles Shepherd


Book 1: Don’t Let Me Die: The Heiler Chronicles IS NOW FOR SALE (CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE EBOOK and PAPERBACK).
You can now purchase the book on Apple’s iBookstore and on Amazon. This sci-fi book is great reading for teens and adults!
Don’t Let Me Die – The Heiler Chronicles
In the year 2114, the nation is ruled by a one world government, and the population is controlled by the sinister Reapers, who are used to enforce its draconian laws. Chris Heiler, a teen from the community of Ripville, uncovers a powerful secret. With the help of his friends, he begins to unravel the town’s twisted past, and begins to change the world’s future. Will the world leader Harrad be able to stop the impending storm that is coming upon the world?
1 Corinthians 12:8-10 (New International Version)

8 To one there is given through the Spirit a message of wisdom, to another a message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit, 9 to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit, 10 to another miraculous powers, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to another speaking in different kinds of tongues,[a] and to still another the interpretation of tongues.[b]

Don’t Let Me Die – Prologue
In the twenty-first century population outgrows the planet’s resources. Countries fight over what resources remain and ban exports on food in an effort to keep their own citizens from starving. In the United States, skyrocketing property values, out-of-control immigration and debt, leave many people homeless. Our system of government goes bankrupt due to its wars, loan bailouts, huge trade deficits, entitlement programs and runaway healthcare costs.
In 2018 a nuclear bomb set off in California by terrorists leads to a Third World War that brings the plant to the brink of global destruction. When all hope seems to be lost, a young Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations orchestrates a last minute peace treaty between America, Israel, Iran, Russia, and China; thus saving mankind.
In the twenty-second century the nation is ruled by a One World Government. A single world religion has been adopted by all. Population control policies have reduced the population, bringing it back to sustainable levels. Advances in farming technologies have increased food production. Widespread starvation is on its way to becoming a thing of the past.
Chris Heiler is a teen who lives in the farming community of Ripville. Like kids his age have done for generations, he plays baseball, dislikes gym class and tries to find the courage to ask a girl to a dance. One day Chris witnesses an event that makes him question what he has always been taught in school and in church. Challenging society’s rules leads him to uncover a powerful secret. With the help of his friends, he begins to unravel the town’s twisted past, and begins to change the world’s future

What people are saying about the book:
“Awesome!”, “Great ending!”, “Uplifting!”, “Can’t wait for book 2!” , “Spiritual”, “Original!”
See what people are saying about the book:
Charles Shepherd’s debut book, Book 1: The Heiler Chronicles, starts with a big bang of action and thrills. The maxim of mystery in the future where man’s rights are limited in healthcare are based on biblical and Mayan predictions. The story revolves around a young man with incredible powers that defies the totalitarian laws of the world. The pacing is steady and surprises the reader with small revelations of the dystopian government and technologies of the cruel world. Do not be fooled by the marketing art and advertising, the book is not too gory for the young reader, while very exciting for the average adult and has enough references for the literature book scholar.
Shepherd’s style of writing brings us to the writing styles of sci-fi themes of a young Ray Bradbury with a touch of hair-raising frightfulness of Stephen King, the mystery of Alfred Hitchcock, the sci-fi thriller of Rod Serling and the dialogue of Tennessee Williams. The settings reminds me of the Bradbury tales taking place in small towns and the government is as scary as ‘1984’ and ‘The Running Man’. The story reminds me of the friendships of ‘Stand By Me’ with the futuristic revelations of ‘The Hunger Games’ and the hope of the Terminator movies. Christian inspirations are a great addition to the story as an original assurance to the reader who has read ‘The Stand’ and ‘Left Behind’.
Make no mistake, the tour de force of powerful themes and thrilling plot is very original, compelling with a hint of hope for the hero and mankind. Shepherd shows he has worked very hard in his research on all the characters. Only the most bitter cynic and most amateur reader would fail to find the hidden meanings in the plot. I would suggest a second and third reading to find and appreciate the hidden meanings. The meanings are not too obvious; this is Shepherd’s ‘Animal Farm’. The revelations are just so immersed in sci-fi and dystopia future, if Rod Serling was alive today, he would be very proud!
The story, characters and plot qualifies it as a big budget blockbuster Hollywood summer movie. This feeling is so compelling, as a reviewer, I have to remind myself that I am reading a book, not watching a movie. I want to add that the ending leaves the user hungry for the next novel. Bravo!
–Mike Chang (Oct 13, 2012)
“Don’t Let Me Die” is very artistically done and a pleasure and thrill to read. It’s hard to put down due to it’s smooth and detailed content. This is the kind of book our teens should read! It makes the reader really think about life choices and decisions and brings an independance of thought and convictions that I never experienced in a book. I can’t wait for my fourteen year old daughter to read and experience this! So when is the next book?”
— Cheryl Smith (Oct 17, 2012)
“Don’t let me Die has become one of my favorite books. I read a lot of science fiction. And recently finished what the internet considers the top 200 science fiction books of all time . I would put the Heiler Chronicles above many of them. I couldn’t put it down. I was so pulled into the journey that it took me only 3 hours. I can’t wait. It’s a Chronical. Right?”
— Doc (March 5, 2022)


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