FIRST TIME Elders, Teachers and Deacons Appointed in Colombia | International Churches of Christ

FIRST TIME Elders, Teachers and Deacons Appointed in Colombia | International Churches of Christ

Our churches are growing, not only numerically, but also organically!

Build My Own Website in 2 Easy Steps

In many places all over the internet, I see the question “How can I build my own website”? According to statistics, websites are springing up in record numbers. People are realizing that rather than a limited page on a social site, they can have their own professional website for next to nothing.

What’s New With Web 2.0?

Web 2.0 is a concept that has become more and more popular over the years. As a result of its popularity, the Internet society has become more interactive and collaborative. Web 2.0 is the integration of human society into the Internet.

Website Development – Basic Tips to Kick Start Your Website

To put it briefly, say you want create a website for your business; it can be books, clothing, retail, wholesale, services providers etc. Before start to design the website, just think of some facts like, “Who may I going to compete with?” The answer is the names of some biggies, it is not that easy to compete with the business dons but you can gain your own customers by developing the website in a better way.

How to Build a Website the Correct Way

The ultimate goal a successful website is to provide a valuable service to the visitor, while satisfying the need of the webmaster. This article reviews some of the most important things to remember.

Build Your Own Websites – Don’t Believe the Experts!

I have advised many people on creating websites and have written many articles and web publications on this subject. I also investigated what the experts are advising, and I came to a surprising conclusion. If you want to build your own websites, don’t listen to the experts.

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