Learn Flutter With Me – Lets learn about Layouts

In this session I’m just going to spend an hour, maybe 2, learning how Flutter works in regards to layouts. I’ll be working through this and will push my changes to this repository.


Please also check out my Flexbox In Depth course on Udemy. I have 2 links for this, one is a discount rate that you can consider a donation if you like my material. The other one is free. I won’t be mad if you go the free link, but if you pay, then I can make better tutorials going forward. Anyway are the links.

Paid: https://www.udemy.com/flexbox-in-depth/?couponCode=FB_YOUTUBE_DISCOUNT
Free: https://www.udemy.com/flexbox-in-depth/?couponCode=FB_YOUTUBE_FREE

You can also follow me on Twitter at: dduckmanton82


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