Learn Flutter With Me – Playing around with widgets

In this session I’m just going to spend an hour or so, looking at the different widgets that exist in Google Flutter and how they work. I have not yet set up a Github repository, but I will do so after the stream.

Please also check out my Flexbox In Depth course on Udemy. I have 2 links for this, one is a discount rate that you can consider a donation if you like my material. The other one is free. I won’t be mad if you go the free link, but if you pay, then I can make better tutorials going forward. Anyway are the links.

Discount: https://www.udemy.com/flexbox-in-depth/?couponCode=FB_YOUTUBE_DISCOUNT
Free: https://www.udemy.com/flexbox-in-depth/?couponCode=FB_YOUTUBE_FREE

You can also follow me on Twitter at: dduckmanton82


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