Orlando Church of Christ East Region

Orlando Church of Christ East Region

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Website Optimization – Adapting to Different Visitor Groups

Any site owner wants traffic and visitors, but once this goal is reached most web masters feel that they are missing out on something and start digging deeper into the sources of traffic and the real essence of their received visitors. In many cases webmaster are shocked to discover that they have a lot of un-focused and non targeted traffic, the kind that comes into the pages of the site only to stay there for a few seconds and leave.

Improve Your Affiliate Landing Page

Trust is the key in affiliate marketing. Affiliates and merchants should have that bond and trust each other. More importantly, consumers should be rest assured that the purchasing process is safe, legitimate, fair and they should feel good about it.

How to Resize a Photo For Your Website

Photos from your digital camera probably have much too large a file size to be good for your website. If the files are larger than 25 or 30 K, you will need to resize them. You can lower the size by chosing a lower quality on your camera, but that just gives you a lower quality photo. What we are going to try to so is keep as much quality as possible, and still lower the file size.

Can You Build Your Website Yourself, Or is it Better to Hire a Web Developer?

To do it yourself or not to do it yourself. That is the question. Many website owners have asked this same question and for good reason. With all of today’s user-friendly, easy-to-use software and the wide array of cheap templates, I might ask too! Why pay someone out of your own pocket when you can do it yourself?

How to Create Search Engine Friendly PHP Pages Without Technical Hiccups

PHP is a powerful server side language that offers greater scalability, dynamism and ease of use than static HTML pages. However, PHP can be a hard nut to crack when it comes to search engine optimization. PHP developers encounter a lot of technical issues while creating PHP scripts based on SEO guidelines.

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