The Spiritual World, Part 1 | One Quick Thought

The Spiritual World, Part 1 | One Quick Thought

It’s so easy to stay focused on the here and now, and not see beyond what’s in front of us. When we get so caught up in ourselves, we end up missing God, and what life is really meant to be about. Check out this week’s One Quick Thought to understand “the spiritual world,” and the realities we can’t see.


As we enter into a post-pandemic world, we are excited to start having in-person services. You can join us in person at one of our many locations at Or if you don’t live near us, join us for church online every Sunday at or on our YouTube channel. Either way we hope to inspire many to grow in their personal spiritual life.


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Wake Up to Google’s Caffeine

Last month (August, 2009), Google announced a beta release of its biggest behind-the-scenes update in more than three years, called Caffeine. Apparently, this update is intended to improve the speed of doing searches on Google, and also to enhance the accuracy of searches on Google as well. Although these changes are supposed to apply mainly to search speed and accuracy, some web site owners are concerned that they could see their Google search positions fall as a result of Caffeine. So if your small business currently has a web site listed in Google’s search results, how concerned should you be?

Joomla Money Tips – Using Joomla to Build a Business Online

Joomla is a free based open source content management system with a large thriving community. Let me share with you 3 tips that you can use right now to start making money from Joomla.

Different Tools For Dynamic Website Development

Different website development tools have been a great source of help for all the web designers of today. Software Development, India has become a huge success all over the globe only because of the hard work of the software developers.

Website Development For Lawyers

Just imagine this! Having a website of your own through which all your business needs are furnished and you are free from the hassles of calling up your client and specifying products offered by your firm.

Creating a Simple Business Website

Creating a simple business website to attract local traffic and increase your sales is not as difficult as it used to be. Today there are many options and services that offer small business owners the opportunity to host a business website that are easy setup and inexpensive to maintain.

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