Ticketrilla: Best Ticket System and Help Center for Your WordPress Products


Ticketrilla is Ticket System for your WordPress themes and plugins

Provide technical support for literally any product! Without any monthly payments, in less than 5 minutes!

Video 'How Ticketrilla works?'

Ticketrilla consists of two plugins: the server (this item), and the client:

  • The Server plugin is installed on the developer’s server which would be providing support.
  • The Client plugin is installed on the clients’ websites. This could be installed from the official WordPress plugins library
  • .

Ticketrilla: Server’ features

  • Unlimited products, agents and tickets
  • Total control over the using of licenses on the addresses of clients’ websites and servers
  • Simple definition of “freeloaders” what use stolen tokens
  • Built-in licensing system and work with Envato licenses
  • Unique system of requesting guest access to the client’s server for assistance (the client must work from his own website through Ticketrilla: Client)
  • Unique system for obtaining basic information about the client’s server and installed software (the client must work from his own website through Ticketrilla: Client)
  • Sending customers a variety of news that they are sure to see and read!

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‘Ticketrilla: Client’ features

  • Free client’s plugin in official catalog of WordPress
  • Receiving support for all purchased products in one place – on his website
  • Simplicity and comfort for using
  • Automatic search of products providing support with the help of Ticketrilla

Avaliable addons:

All addons were included in the plugin in version 1.1.0.

View the Live Demo

Feel free to review our demo sites:

You can also test the client plugin by connecting to the test-server ‘server-demo.ticketrilla.com’

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For support you can to connect to ‘support.ticketrilla.com’ from your ‘Ticketrilla: Client’ or to send a ticket with https://support.ticketrilla.com

The manual for could be reviewed here.


For correct work the plugin is needed:

  • WordPress v.4.9.0 and high
  • php v.7.2
  • Enabled REST API


Version 1.1.0 (29 March 2021)

- Significantly redeveloped kernel to improve stability and performance
- Added support for an infinite number of products on one server
- Added ability for clients to connect through the admin panel of the agent server
- All addons extending the functionality are added to the basic version of the plugin

Version 1.0.4 (23 September, 2020)

- Added notifications for Telegram
- Fixed minor issues

Version 1.0.3 (09 Octomber, 2019)

- Fixed lot minor issues

Version 1.0.2 (23 July, 2019)

- Added new addon "Ticketrilla: Client's Server User" for requests of temporary users on client's WordPress server
- Fixed lot minor issues

Version 1.0.1 (26 June, 2019)

- Added new addon "Ticketrilla: Client's Server Info" for receiving information about client's server software and WP
- Fixed lot minor issues

Version 1.0.0 (09 April, 2019)

- Initial Release


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