Eternal Life

Eternal Life

Jesus offered people eternal life. But what does that mean? Explore the meaning of a phrase that invites us into God’s life now and in the age to come.

#BibleProject #EternalLife

For more information on Eternal Life, check out the following resources:

-Eternal Life Script References:
-Eternal Life Blog post:

Top Ten Barriers to Setting Up a Business Website

As with many other aspects of small business there are a number of factors preventing the development of business websites. In this article you can discover the top ten barriers faced by those developing a business website and some practical advice on how to overcome these potential roadblocks.

How to Get My Own Website

With all the social marketing websites now days it’s easy too see how individuals and businesses alike could make the mistake of believing they don’t need a website. Why bother right? Wrong!

Succeed Online With a Website

Everyday more and more people look to the Internet for many different reasons, the main reason being to generate some type of income. Out of those people there are only a very very small percentage that actually succeed online, whatever their goals may be. If you think that most people fail because they don’t have the necessary skills required then you’re wrong. Succeeding online with a website is not hard but there are things you must know in order to do so.

Website – Make it More Efficient

Graphics will take sometime to load, but images help with the appearance of a website so you will probably need them. You should keep the loading time down by specifying the height and width of your images.

Tracking Your Site’s Traffic With Google Analytics

Have you heard about Google Analytics? If you haven’t, keep reading because you’ll learn about how to track statistics that can affect the success (or failure) or your website. Whether you’re a small business just starting out or a large corporation, the following information will be beneficial to you.