Near Death Experience: Buddhist Overdoses and Finds Jesus in Heaven – Ep. 26

Near Death Experience: Buddhist Overdoses and Finds Jesus in Heaven - Ep. 26

Steve Kang attended the Buddhist temple in South Korea as a boy. He believed in all of Buddha’s teachings – reincarnation, universal truths, the ‘eightfold path,’ and the ‘four noble truths.’ All that Steve learned were aimed at liberating his sentient being from suffering. But none of Steve’s teachings could save him from his portending crisis. Steve emigrated from South Korea to the Los Angeles area. He attended college there, where he was introduced to a drug culture, and then one fateful day Steve overdosed on a concoction of powerful drugs mixed together into a fatal dose. Steve overdosed and was rushed to the hospital at the point of death. The mother of the house at which Steve was living while attending church rallied her church members to pray for Steve during this critical period. Meanwhile, Steve was ushered into Heaven to meet the only One who could truly heal his suffering – Jesus. Watch this incredible story of a young man who journeyed across the globe to know the TRUTH. You will be inspired by Steve’s miraculous transformation.
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