April 2022 SCUAD Training Workshop

The US ICOC Social Cultural and Diversity Committee (SCUAD) has a mission to provide information, education, and training in culture, race and diversity, and to foster increased understanding, unity, and love as we strive to continually practice God’s commands to love one another as he has loved us and to love our neighbor as ourselves.The US ICOC SCUAD has been around since 2012 and has helped many local churches around the world start SCUAD groups of their own to help foster love and unity among disciples and their surrounding communities.

This training and workshop is designed to help local SCUADs in their work.

#icoc #internationalchurchesofchrist #christian #unity

Keeping Your Website’s Content Fresh

It is very important to always add new and fresh content to your website. If your site always stays the same why would people keep coming back? What is there new to learn or what is going to attract them back to the website? Chances are if you don’t update your site at least once in a while you will never get repeat visitors.

Creating Web Pages With PHP, CMS, and Joomla

For those who need to design and create their own web pages, whether for personal use or for business purposes, there are few terms you should become familiar with. A few of those terms are “PHP,” “content management system,” and “Joomla.”

Build a Professional Website by Using DM2 Templates

Building a website from scratch is a lot of work. To make a site function and look the way you want, you have to be a computer programmer. You also need to be a designer to know how to make everything look pleasing to the eye. On top of that you need to be an SEO expert to make sure the website functions the way it should and that you are using the right keywords so you can get a good search engine ranking. In just minutes, you can use the free DM2 templates to build a professional website and more.

Basic HTML For Writing Online Articles

When you are writing and submitting articles online, a knowledge of HTML is usually not required. Most of the article directories come with an editor that can handle simple formatting actions like bold, italics and lists. But there are still some article directories that accepts only text, and the HTML formatting must be included within the text. So knowledge of a little HTML is always very useful.

Considering a Mini Site?

Apart from the cost and the challenge of finding a good web developer, another problem with this approach was timing. A business idea that is time critical may not allow for weeks and months of web site development and still allow you to capitalize on your venture.

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