May 2022 SCUAD Training Workshop II

The US ICOC Social Cultural Unity and Diversity Committee (SCUAD) has a mission to provide information, education, and training in culture, race and diversity, and to foster increased understanding, unity, and love as we strive to continually practice God’s commands to love one another as he has loved us and to love our neighbor as ourselves.The US ICOC SCUAD has been around since 2012 and has helped many local churches around the world start SCUAD groups of their own to help foster love and unity among disciples and their surrounding communities.

This training and workshop is designed to help local SCUADs in their work.

#icoc #internationalchurchesofchrist #christian #unity

10 Steps to Creating Your Own Web Pages

A FTP (file transfer protocol) program lets you transfer documents from your hard drive to your web site and vice versa. Ipswitch FTP-Home offers a free trial version to get you started. The program provides two windows, one on the left with documents from any folder you choose in your hard drive, and one on the right for your live web site.

Creating Google Gadgets

Google gadgets have become popular objects for webmasters and bloggers to add to their sites. Have you ever wanted to develop your own gadget and share it with the Internet world? Here’s how.

Who’s Visiting Your Planned Giving Website?

Measuring website metrics (stats) is not an easy task. It’s also a science the very few can do. Unless you have someone who specializes in metrics, you are not going to get reliable data. Below are some steps that may help.

The Benefits of Starting With a Small Website And How to Get Started

Starting a new website can be a pretty daunting task, especially for a busy small business owner. The good news is that you don’t have to start with a website that will rival those of major corporations. You can start with a 5 page site and grow into a larger site with additional functionality as you are ready.

Good News For Website Owners

I know that you love good news. Who in this whole world does not want to hear the good news about something? Well, I will start by giving you the bad news that website owners have been listening to.

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