
Modern Bibles are divided into chapters and verses, but the biblical scrolls were written to be read aloud, meditated on, and memorized as one continuous work. In this video, we introduce you to movements—groups of stories or poems the original authors arranged together to form a meaningful whole.

Learn to read the Bible in movements on the BibleProject app:

Looking For a Web Developer – Look Online Or Look Locally?

A web design project is a huge investment in time and energy for the buyer. The results of the web design project will be a big part of the buyer’s future business success. That said, choosing a web designer is a critical decision that should not be based on price alone. The article discusses some of the key issues in deciding whether to hire a local or online web developer.

4 Steps to Start Making Money on the Internet

Barely anything beats the excitement you feel when you first begin to earn money online. Ever since I got my first computer, I dreamed of having a site that would help me make money.

Web Development Company and Your Choice

There are thousands of web development companies to choose from, all claiming to be the best, the cheapest, the most experienced. So how do you know who to select? First, there are some things that you should watch out for. Many of the rules for hiring a tradesman such as a plumber or electrician are the same for hiring a web development company. With a little knowledge and common sense you should be able to separate the wheat from the chaff and make an educated decision on which company will be right for you.

Publishing Your Very First Web Page

So it’s your first time ever creating a website. You may have gone out and bought a brand new book about HTML because you thought the book would tell you all you need to know about web publishing. Unfortunately, there are many more steps you must take to successfully create and publish a well made website.

Website Copy Is King

Why do people visit websites? Like most people, you might say “to find stuff.”

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