Together Again: 2022 Shoreline Service Highlights

Together Again: 2022 Shoreline Service Highlights

What a great day to be in one place together again! For the thousands who came to Shoreline Amphitheater and the thousands who watched online, God gave us a day to remember! We could feel the joy of togetherness in the air as we connected with both old and new friends from all over the Bay Area.

#ShorelineAmphitheater #TogetherAgain

Join us this Sunday at 11am PDT for the Bay Area Christian Church live stream service.


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Make Your Website Load Quicker With These Simple Techniques

If you run a website, you know that the content must be well written and designed to keep visitors’ and customers’ attention. But if your pages are too big, or you have oversized images that are making your visitors wait, your website will be overlooked, and the visitor will soon skip to your rivals’ website.

The Five Steps to Building an Online Website

If you want to build your own interactive website, these are some of the essential points you need to bear in mind before you start. There’s no point in trying to produce a website for a product nobody wants! Here are the five steps to starting your own successful online business.

Developing a New Website? Do Not Fall Into Temptation to Cut Corners Or it May Kill Your Business

A successful internet marketing web site is like a fine wine- it mellows with age. Why is it so important to develop your site according to a set plan and strategy which will bring results in the long term?

5 Ways to Increase Your Website’s Usability

Think of your website as sales tool that can be constantly and scientifically improved. Every page that your visitors land on should have a call-to-action that leads them to the next step of your sales funnel. For this to happen, you’ll need predefined business (or conversion) goals. Ex: generate a lead through an emailable contact form, through a trackable 1-800 number, etc..

10 Tips For a More Effective Home Page

Your home page is where most visitors enter your site. It typically offers the first and most important opportunity to qualify your organization to visitors. The home page can leave users intrigued with a desire to learn more about your organization or cause them to become confused and abandon your site. The following 10 tips will help you create a more effective home page that drives users to accomplish your business goals.

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