Web design vs web development – what's the difference??

Watch the full video here!: https://youtu.be/FN8HTW0tq_I

🚀 CharliMarieTV is now powered by Figma! https://bit.ly/figma-charli
Figma is a design tool that helps teams create, test, and ship better designs from start to finish. And it’s free! 🙂

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Hello there! I’m Charli and I’m a half-British, half-kiwi web and graphic designer currently living in Valencia and posting design videos about tools, projects, and concepts as well as vlogs of my life as a designer. Please subscribe and say hi in the comments so we can be friends 🙂



Buy my font: http://charlimarie.store
My site & blog: https://charlimarie.com
Design Life podcast: http://designlife.fm
Inside Marketing Design podcast: https://insidemarketingdesign.co


Twitter: https://twitter.com/charliprangley
Instagram: http://instagram.com/charliprangley
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Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/charlimarietv


Music from Epidemic Sound. If you want to try it out, sign up using my link! http://charlimarie.com/epidemicsound

Intro & end card animation by hand lettering animator Austin Saylor: http://www.austinsaylor.com/

Editing by Nancy Palm http://nancypalm.com & Belén Albiol https://www.instagram.com/molen.audiovisual


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