Brett Kunkle: The Benefits of Setting Boundaries with Technology in the Home | Kirk Cameron on TBN

Brett Kunkle: The Benefits of Setting Boundaries with Technology in the Home | Kirk Cameron on TBN

Takeaways: Today, Kirk Cameron is joined by Brett Kunkle, Founder and President of MAVEN. They discuss the benefits of setting boundaries when it comes to technology with your kids. Later, they discuss how phones and social media are effecting today’s youth and what parents can do to help.


Watch full episodes of Takeaways with Kirk Cameron on TBN On Demand:

Join Kirk Cameron to discuss pressing issues Christians are facing with compassionate, well-informed guests. Together we will find actionable takeaways that we can use today this week and this month to bring more of Heaven to Earth.

#kirkcameron #brettkunkle #technology

How to Set Up Your Web Site and Make Money Online in Three Hours Or Less!

You don’t have to be an internet guru to set up a web site and make money online. The problem is most people are spending far too much money on web site design and SEO experts when it all could be done for a fraction of their cost.

Create a Free Ministry Website Tonight in 8 Easy Steps

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Web Site Marketing – Audio Vs Video – Size Does Matter

There are many types of ways to format your online presence in order to make an impression. Colours, for instance, make a significant impact on yur impression. Placement, or design gives your site balance, but what about the “neat” stuff? Is it cool to have audio files on your site? How does video play into the production? There is much to consider before you commit to throwing some alternative media onto your web space.

Start Your Own Business With Website Building – How to Go About It?

Many young and amateur business people who mostly conduct online ventures shell out huge sums of money in order get a website up and running. In this process, the building of the website also gets delayed as most website designing companies take around 4-6 months to complete the work. Then again, customer satisfaction is not guaranteed, as you might like to include certain changes in the overall look of your website.

What Do I Need to Create a Website For My Home Based Business?

You have found the right article to get you started in the right direction for this important endeavor. Basically you will need these four things: to register a domain name, web hosting, an HTML editor and some content to include on your website

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