Medical Account of the Crucifixion

Medical Account of the Crucifixion

Jesus died a gruesome death at the hands of his executioners. It wasn’t in vain…

Creating and Promoting a Website – Necessary For Making Growth in Business

In advance too several links from directory or -links- approach pages can be vision as trying to pressure the SE to identify superior rankings for your site. What is the location of the link? Your link endorsement, center on superiority of the links pointing to your web pages.

Website Development For Newbies – 3 Tips to Promote Your Online Business

When you begin an online business you will learn one hard and fast rule – the more targeted visitors you have to your website the better you chance of having a successful business. A website is a great place to promote your products and services because it can reach a huge audience base on the internet.

What is a Flash Player? Why Do I Need One?

You may be asking yourself, what is a Flash Player? or Why do I need one? I have my Flash videos, won’t Internet Explorer or Firefox play them? Have you ever tried to play a .FLV file on your computer? You probably weren’t too successful in doing so. .FLV is not a format that Windows Media Player or QuickTime player supports. You can’t just link to a FLV file on your web page and expect the video to play like you would if it were a WMV or MOV file. So how is it, that all these web sites have a Flash videos on them?

Support Your Website Visitors Through Empowerment

It’s amazing how many sites I end up on these days that have still not embraced the interactivity available online. Wake up people!!!! It’s 2009 and we’ve already been through web 1.0, web 2.0, and web 3.0 seems to be taking shape. Ditch your boring, one dimensional website and your “company focused” content and get with the times!

Adding Audio to Your Website

Website audio is a great way to enhance your visitor’s experience and to deepen the selling relationship. This article discusses the use of website audio and provides suggestions on what you need to get started.

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