All It Takes Is Faith for God to Change a Life

In continuing our series about Nature vs. Nurture, we learn about how important it is to believe that anyone can change. Regardless of our background, genetics, or family, God can always change our hearts.

Though it is important to recognize how our family, our choices, and our genes affect us, it is ultimately our faith that shows us that anyone can change. Check out this week’s One Quick Thought to learn more about how God can change anyone when we have faith.


As we enter into a post-pandemic world, we are excited to start having in-person services. You can join us in person at one of our many locations at Or if you don’t live near us, join us for church online every Sunday at or on our YouTube channel. Either way we hope to inspire many to grow in their personal spiritual life.


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Websites That Work

Is your website working as it should be? What are you expecting from your it and your net strategy as a whole?

Building Great Websites With Joomla and Free Joomla Templates

Joomla is a content management system that is free to use. It is open source software licensed under General Public Licence (GPL); anyone can use it as they choose. Joomla is a professional and robust system and building websites with Joomla is a choice that an increasing number of people are making the decision to do.

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Traffic analysis might not be easy but is proven to be really valuable to everyone who wants to have his website growing. The main purpose of the data you are provided with by your hosting company is to figure out how well your site is working for your visitors.

Website Storyboarding

After you’re done brainstorming your website idea, it’s on to the next step to start to visualize your website. One of the best ways to do this is to storyboard your website. Storyboarding can help you determine what the finished product will become. Website Storyboarding Article will show the importance of storyboarding your website. Storyboarding get started you started to develop a successful website.

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