Get Stronger at WDS2022

Get Stronger at WDS2022

We are excited to announce that STRONGER is back! As part of the World Discipleship Summit, the STRONGER Conference will take place on Wednesday, August 3rd, and Saturday, August 6th. Admission to the conference is included in both in-person and online Summit registration, and attendees can choose to attend classes on either or both dates.

Register here:

Optimizing Websites For High Performance

If you are trying to run a portal or community website with a high traffic, you will want to make sure that it performs at its best. This article is all about website performance and speed.

How to Combat Web Form Spam

In this article I will reveal to you simple but effective was to slash the number spam form submissions you receive in your email box. The best part is non of these techniques require the use of annoying captcha images.

6 Things Every Website Developer Should Know

There is a lot more that goes into making a website than adding some links and images. Websites today usually require thorough planning, development and testing processes to ensure functionality when the site goes live. Before venturing into the world of professional website development, a developer should have an understanding of these 6 principles.

Website Creation – How to Get a Website Online in 10 Steps Using WordPress

WordPress has a quick 1 button installation when you use fantastico scripts. Your hosting provider will usually have cPanel (aka Control Panel) which in turn has the fantastico scripts that you need to use to install WordPress.

Website Creation – 4 Steps to Setup WordPress After a New Installation

You’ve got WordPress freshly installed into your hosting account, and you’re ready to start posting content to the site and driving traffic to your content. Before you start that, there are 4 steps that you need to take after you install WordPress for the first time in order to extend WordPress’ functionality.

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