This Young Man Died From a Drug Reaction & Experienced the Horrors of Hell (and love of God) – EP43

This Young Man Died From a Drug Reaction & Experienced the Horrors of Hell (and love of God) - EP43

Not normally given to drug use, Kahleial got involved with a group that encouraged him to experiment with several drugs, and one of them was lethal. He died from a drug overdose. What happened next is gut-wrenching. Kahleial first encountered God who sorrowed over the fact that this young man could not go into Heaven because he was not saved through Jesus Christ. Next, Kahleial entered into hell. He explains it in a way that mere words cannot explain. Falling and being devoured by demons along the way, he describes the utter hopelessness of hell and the fire that consumes those in hell. This is a must see video of a man who suffered the psychological trauma of being in hell, and the redemptive love of Christ that turned his life around so that Kahleial now ministers the love of Christ in a profound way.
#god #jesus #hell #viral

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