Your Past Is Not Your Future | Nature & Nurture, Part 1

God wants us to understand where we come from, but also to know that no matter who we are, we can always change with him. In Psychology, the concept of “Nature vs. Nurture” is a way to understand what makes us who we are, but we must be careful not to define ourselves only by our genetics or by the way we grew up. If we do, we’ll get easily tripped up by three simple but dangerous words: “I can’t change.” Check out this week’s One Quick Thought to learn more about how our past does not have to define our destiny.


0:00 Why nature and nurture are important
1:49 Nurture – The importance of parents
5:15 Nature – Your genes are not your destiny
8:00 Human nature is not your destiny
9:16 Faith is why anyone can change

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#OneQuickThought #NatureVsNurture

The Art of Web Development

The discussion of web development is reflective of a powerful community which is building through the online media and slowly deciding on the fate of many small and medium enterprises. It is therefore important to create intelligent websites that highlight what people want to see.

How to Have a High-Paid Web Developer Career

A web developer is one who designs, creates and maintains websites with a wide range of creativity, artistic talents and technical skills; to put together a user friendly websites for clients. If you’re looking for a well paying web developer career, then read on and see what requirements you’d need to meet. Find it more about it here.

Web Developer Salary – How to Increase Your Salary As a Web Developer?

As a web developer, you would be in a working field that is competitive and tough. The challenges and competitions you would have to face would increase as the industry grows, but this is no threat as you would be able to make your way through the career path. This is so because there are many jobs available as many companies have online businesses and would require skilled employees to manage them.

How to Create Your Website – Set, Test and Launch

Once you’ve got an idea of what pages and information your web site will have on it, the next step is building that web site. Let’s start with the basics of choosing a good domain name (a domain name in the name of your website: www Your Site Name com). Your domain name, while it is an important part of your marketing strategy, is not a big deal at this stage in the game. You can always change it if need be (and once you learn more about internet marketing you very well may want to change it). It’s more important that you make progress than that everything is perfect right now.

Internet Business Marketing – The Truth, the Way, and the Life to a More Profitable Website

Internet business marketing can be 80% of the reason you succeed (or fail) in your online marketing efforts. Here’s the truth – search engine marketing (SEM), also known as pay per click (PPC) marketing is the first method ever invented to place your ads in front of the people who are in the market for what you have to offer when they are ready to buy. With this method, wasted ad dollars are gone if your campaigns set up properly.

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