How God’s Love Changes the Way We See Ourselves

God’s love is unconditional and forgiving. When we focus on that rather than our own insecurities, flaws, and weaknesses, we can begin to change, seeing ourselves the way God sees us. Check out this week’s One Quick Thought to learn more about how to think about yourself the way God does.


As we enter into a post-pandemic world, we are excited to start having in-person services. You can join us in person at one of our many locations at Or if you don’t live near us, join us for church online every Sunday at or on our YouTube channel. Either way we hope to inspire many to grow in their personal spiritual life.


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Steps to Improve Your Website For High Performance

Do you find yourself staring at a screen and millions of websites with massive amounts of information not knowing what exactly will work for your company? You are not alone. As if running a business isn’t time consuming enough, re-developing a website to improve performance is a huge venture and often times you find yourself at a loss for ideas on how to start.

How to Create Content For Your Website

Content is king. If you have your own website, there is a good chance you have heard that saying. Creating a website is only part of the equation when it comes to running your online business. You should also have good solid content that makes folks want to come back for more. After all, you do not want to spend time and effort to drive traffic to your site just for your visitors to abandon it and never come back.

Create a Website – Not an Easy Task

If you sit down and put your mind, time and effort into a project, practically anything is possible. There are very few difficulties that cannot be overcome. One example is a small business which wishes to leverage the power of the web. Such global reach may seem beyond the capabilities of an individual, but that is not the case. Hard work and a little dedication will quickly uncover the method to create a website.

Are You Sure You Own Your Business Website Name?

Are you sure you own your business website name? Do you know when your domain name registration expires? If you aren’t sure then read this article to learn how to avoid the possibility of actually losing your own website address!

Website Optimization – Build Your Site Backwards and Save Money

As a website optimization professional, I can’t tell you how many times new clients came to me with their shiny new website and marketing  venture wanting to optimize their website for greater search engine placement. Then, they’re shocked to see my fees which cost as much as the web project. The clients are always confused as to why the optimization wasn’t done at the time of construction of the website.

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