Jesus Showed Us How To Be Disciples | Ken Baugh | Kirk Cameron on TBN #SHORT

Takeaways: Kirk Cameron discusses discipleship with Ken Baugh, CEO of IDT Ministries. Ken Baugh points out that when we look back on the life of Christ, we will see that Jesus displays what being a disciple truly looks like.


Watch full episodes of Takeaways with Kirk Cameron on TBN On Demand:

Join Kirk Cameron to discuss pressing issues Christians are facing with compassionate, well-informed guests. Together we will find actionable takeaways that we can use today this week and this month to bring more of Heaven to Earth.

#kirkcameron #discipleship #short

Making a Cat Website – The Ultimate Labor of Love

American households love their pets, and a special place is reserved for the capricious cat. When making a cat website, providing a mix of feline charm, the value of human interaction, and pet responsibility, is the ultimate labor of love. For each cat that secures their place in a forever home, there are ten more cats waiting in the shadows, that are abandoned, or the offspring of a feral, seeking or never knowing the comfort of safety, plentiful food, play, and love. A good foundation for a feline website, is to possess a true passion for the well being of cats.

Joomla – A Near View of Some Features!

It goes without saying that if someone wants a system to be used for publishing content on Internet and web pages, Joomla is a system that will be used. At least for now, a lot of people prefer this language, primarily because of it being an open source content management system. With the system being one, you will find people favoring to use this system going for it because of its flexibility.

Action Script 3.0 – The Switch Statement

The switch statement is very common in many programming languages. In it is called a select-case, but regardless of what it is called the process is the same.

What Can You Do With Joomla?

If you are a developer and want to learn some advanced ways to use Joomla, then it’s just a click away. All you need to do is find a video resource online that teaches you ways to go about using Joomla application. Even if you are not much of a tech savvy person, you can still use Joomla applications without any hassles as the video resources are very easy to understand and quite user friendly.

Joomla – An Open Source Content Management System!

Any discussion on Joomla is bound to be full of points on how this application is different from others of the class. For starters, you should know that Joomla is one of the languages or applications that is used in developing content management systems. The other feature of this application is that it is open source. Open source technologies have often found a lot of favor amongst people, primarily because of their cost and flexibility.

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