Multi Plugin Installer – Plugin backup and restore


Multi Plugin Installer WordPress Plugin

Multi Plugin Installer - Plugin backup and restore - 1
Multi Plugin Installer - Plugin backup and restore - 2

Multi Plugin Installer is a utility plugin that saves you a lot of time of installing plugins. With MPI you can install multiple plugins all at once and activate them.

Here are some of the cool Features of the plugin.

Multi Plugin Installer - Plugin backup and restore - 3


== Changelog ==
== version 1.2.3 ==
1. Removed inline css and added css in separate css file.
2. I have mode on “use strict” in js files. 
3. Used  on(); rather than .click(), .bind(), .hover(), .submit(), etc.
4. Used esc_attr__() function on places __() & _e().
5. Used a unique prefix for all function names, custom image sizes, classes, constants, hooks, public/global variables, and database entries to avoid conflict issues with plugins and other themes.
6. Removed @import .
7. Made the demo full working .

== version 1.2.2 ==
 * WP5.6 compatibility.

== Version 1.2.1 =
- Added Dropbox Feature.

== Version 1.2.0 =
- Fixed few warning issues.
- Updated admin settings style.

== Version 1.1.1 =
- Added text-domain load function.

== Version 1.1.0 =
- Added functionality to take separate backups of activated and deactivated plugins.

== Version 1.0.0 =
- Initial release -


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