What is Self Hate, and What Does God Say About It?

What is Self Hate, and What Does God Say About It?


Self-hatred is a hard feeling to face. We may feel inadequate, incapable, insecure, or any number of “ins” that make us feel like we are not worthy of being loved. But the Bible says we must love others as much as we love ourselves, so if we are to love others wholeheartedly, we must learn how to love ourselves too. Luckily, God can teach us to love in ways that are impossible on our own, and through his love and forgiveness, we can love others, too. Check out this week’s One Quick Thought to learn what self-hate is and what God has to say about it.

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0:00 Introduction
0:20 Self hate defined
0:58 Keeps us from believing and dreaming
3:00 Keep us from seeing and using our gifts
3:56 God’s love conquers our self-hatred
6:47 seven self haters

(Remove this for Deep Spirituality)
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#SelfHate #NegativeThoughts #OneQuickThought

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Webmaster Powers

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Understanding the Complexity of Website Development Costs

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