What The World Gets Wrong About Love

What do you love? It’s easy to get caught up in what will give us pleasure, status, or achievement, thinking these will make us happy.

Though these things aren’t inherently bad, when they become our top priority, it can lead to disordered love and dysfunctional relationships. God wants to give us another way, a way that will make us feel truly happy and loved.

0:00 Disordered Love
2:59 Why does the Bible make us uncomfortable?
3:40 How do you define sin?
7:37 How does our love get out of order?
10:16 How do we put our love in the right order?

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Pros and Cons of Domestic and Offshore Freelance Java Developers

If you currently own or manage a Canadian, US or UK based company then you may already be inclined to procure the services of an offshore Java developer in the hopes of trimming your development budget during these lean times. However; before you finalize any agreements there are few things that you will want to know about both domestic and offshore Java development services.

Get Rich – Have Your Own Website!

Would you like your own website? Have a website and get rich! Making money from websites.

Create Your Own Website – Times Have Changed!

When you tried to create your own website in the past, did it leave you angry, frustrated and feeling powerless? Well, it’s highly unlikely that the fault is yours – the problem usually rests with the software you are using. The menus can be numerous and complicated, and the features that you want to include seem incredibly complicated to implement.

Top 10 Website New Year’s Resolutions

At this time every year we review our lives and come up with resolutions to try and improve in the year ahead. Your Website should not be excluded from this important effort considering online is more fluid and ever changing.

WordPress – Today’s Successful Business Depends on Successful Website Building

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