CSS Units of Measurement [rem, em, vw, vh, px, %]

There are about 15 CSS units of measurement compatible with most browsers. We are going to cover all of the ones that you will use in real life. We’ll cover absolute units like pixels (px) and relative units like percent (%), viewport width (vw), viewport height (vh), and the ones that I get the most questions about, rem and em. I’ll clearly explain how they work and when you should and should not use them.

There is a CSS unit that I left out of the video, and that is fractional units (fr). These are specific to CSS Grid. I have a video on that subject that goes into detail on fr units.

Learn CSS Grid in 20 Minutes (2019)


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🛠️ Tools I use:
🟠 Theme: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=codestackr.codestackr-theme
🟠 Font: STACKr Code (Exclusive to my VS Code Course – https://vsCodeHero.com)
🟠 SuperHero Extension Pack: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=codeSTACKr.superhero-extensions

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Watch Next:
Web Development – Beginners Roadmap (2020) – https://youtu.be/iogabydg2y0
Playlist: Web Development For Beginners – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ez4yHS2dsN8&list=PLkwxH9e_vrAJ0WbEsFA9W3I1W-g_BTsbt

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Website: http://www.codestackr.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/codeSTACKr
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#codeSTACKr #CSS #learntocode


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