Ken Ham: All of Theology Is Founded in Genesis 1-11 | Kirk Cameron on TBN #shorts

Ken Ham: All of Theology Is Founded in Genesis 1-11 | Kirk Cameron on TBN #shorts

Takeaways: Kirk Cameron is joined by Ken Ham, CEO of Answers in Genesis, to discuss the first book of the bible, Genesis.


Watch full episodes of Takeaways with Kirk Cameron on TBN On Demand:

Join Kirk Cameron to discuss pressing issues Christians are facing with compassionate, well-informed guests. Together we will find actionable takeaways that we can use today this week and this month to bring more of Heaven to Earth.

#kirkcameron #kenham #shorts

How to Communicate With Your Web Programmer

The first step in a fruitful coder collaboration is always to make your needs known as specifically as possible in the first communication. Ideally, your coder will be familiar with the basic principles of direct response site design, which keeps them on the same page as you throughout the process and which eliminates some of the initial effort of explaining yourself. If your coder isn’t familiar with the basics of direct response site design, make sure to communicate it to them as soon as possible in the collaboration process.

How You Can Build a Successful Website

There are many website building companies that will provide you with all kinds of internet web site design and professional web site development services. You should have a website because Websites build a strong client base and stronger visitation rates.

HTML Or Web Builder Tools For Your Web Site?

Building a web page from the raw HTML file up can be deeply rewarding as an intellectual challenge, is certainly the most cost-effective solution, and gives you total control over the look and feel of your page. But it can also be extremely time-consuming–not only to build, but to maintain. If you want to radically revise your product information at some point, you’ll have to go back in and change lots of very specific HTML formatting in your raw text files–not the most effective option, certainly. An alternative to text authoring is to invest in an actual HTML authoring tool like Dreamweaver or Frontpage.

How Much Should You Spend on a Web Site?

Web design isn’t a cheap proposition. Although it’s certainly possible to find someone to design your entire site for around $150, the old adage in this case holds true–you get what you pay for–and you’re unlikely to get a high level of commitment or talent for those rates. Alternatively, it’s certainly possible to find someone to design your entire site for around $3,000–but again, although you’re nearly assured a high quality site, it’s difficult for many start-up businesses–or even established businesses–to drop that kind of money on a single project.

How to Find a Web Site Coder

So now you know what to look for in a coder–but a much greater problem for many people is the problem of where to find the perfect coder for your project. It isn’t simply a matter of posting an advertisement in a local classified section and waiting for responses–that might get you some potential candidates, but it removes one of your best tools for assessing the suitability of a coder: the portfolio.

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