WPBakery Mega Pack – Addons and Templates


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Addons For WPBakery Page Builder for WordPress

Welcome to WPBackery Mega Pack – Addons and Templates for WPBakery. With this awesome plugin you can available 20+ addons and 10+ templates for WPBakery.

List Addons: you can animate each addons (excluding Extended Basic Row Addons) with 200+ effects available.

  • Extended Basic Row Addons: Parallax Backogrund / Video Background (Element/Body)/ Slider Background (Element/Body)
  • Maps (Customize your google Maps)
  • Chart (Progress Bar/Pie Chart)
  • Icons (450+ Icons)
  • Box Message (Default style/Custom Box)
  • Countdown (3 Styles and 3 Types)
  • Social (Button/Share)
  • Heading (8 Different Styles)
  • Buttons (12 Button Types)
  • Counter (3 Different Types)
  • Team (2 Grid Types and 2 Carousel Types)
  • Portfolio (2 Different Types. If you want you can get posts from your custom post type)
  • Grid (2 Different Types. If you want you can get posts from your custom post type)
  • Gallery (3 Different Types)
  • Carousel (3 Different Types. If you want you can get posts from your custom post type)
  • List (With 450+ Icons available)
  • Timeline (2 Different Styles). Timeline Posts and Timeline Gallery
  • Post Lists (Simple addons for showing a list of posts)
  • Space (Simple addons for adding space)
  • Single Image (Add you image with 200+ effects available)
  • CF7 – Contact Form 7 (Customize your contact form 7)
  • Woocommerce Carousel (6 Different Types)
  • Woocommerce Product Display (6 Different Types)
  • Woocommerce Product In Tab

List Templates (You can import in one click our templates):


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