Atheist Faces Death & Hell’s Lake of Fire, Then Sees God’s Book of Life – He’s Not in It! – EP58

Atheist Faces Death & Hell's Lake of Fire, Then Sees God's Book of Life - He's Not in It! - EP58

A heart attack caused Jarrod to be rushed to the hospital, and during his journey into death he entered hell as an atheist who had delved into several religions. He witnessed people in the Lake of Fire and other troubling visions. But then Jarrod was ushered into a pleasant meadow where a figure stood before him carrying the “Book of Life.” he discovered that he was not in that book! During this amazing journey from hell to Heaven, Jarrod’s spirit was awakened to the joy of knowing Jesus as his Lord and Savior. Today he lives to testify of an important decision that each of us must make, and the consequences of making the wrong decision could not be more striking.
#god #jesus #viral #hell #heaven

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