Dribbble Shots Grid – WordPress Widget


Dribbble Shots Grid is an WordPress Plugin. If you want to display Personal Dribbble Shots in your portfolio site this plugin for you. Easy to connect DribbbleAPI V2 and WordPess. Plugin allow to display multiple shots grids and carousel and customize them as you want.

Works with All popular themes

Live Demo

Video preview: Overview


  • Integration with Dribbble API;
  • CSS3 Animations;
  • JS, jQuery, AJAX;
  • Responisve grid;
  • Responsive Carousel;
  • Shotrcodes;
  • Visual Composer Addon;
  • 2 display type: Grid, Carousel;
  • Easy to customize;
  • 3 layout style: Material, Dribbble, Default.


Version 1.1.1 ( 15th March 2019 )
  - add per page option

Version 1.1.0 ( 24th September 2018 )
  - Integrate Dribbble API v2

Version 1.0.0 ( 31th October 2016 )
  - Initial public release.


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