Intro To JavaScript Unit Testing & BDD (2 Hour+ Course)

Learn JavaScript unit testing in this full course

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Introduction – 0:00
Introducing Unit Testing – 0:26
Proving Our Code Works – 1:31
Running Your First Automated Test – 5:56
Different Types of Testing – 10:11
Behavior Driven Development – 13:29
Red, Green, Refactor – 16:19
Greater Expectations – 24:18
Getting Started with Mocha and Chai – 34:31
General Structure of Test Files – 37:47
Test Suites and Test Specs – 41:59
Writing Our First Test Suite – 45:35
Writing Our First Test Suite Part 2 – 01:00:07
Challenge: Expanding Our Expectations – 01:08:44
Answer: Expanding Our Expectations – 01:18:44
Making Tests Easier with Fixtures: Setup – 01:30:52
Making Tests Easier with Fixtures: Teardown – 01:38:30
Covering Edge Cases – 01:42:10
Challenge: Writing Testable Code – 01:53:09
Answer: Writing Testable Code – 01:55:11
Changing Mocha’s Reporter – 01:59:50
Outlining Your Test Suite – 02:03:04
Watching Test Files – 02:07:28
Mocks and Stubs – 02:13:26
Testing Asynchronous Code – 02:22:58


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