Mini-Mission Trips in Brazil – International Churches of Christ

Mini-Mission Trips in Brazil - International Churches of Christ

The churches in Brazil recently completed a Mission Month and their faith and action were working together in an inspiring way!

How to Create Your Own Online Property Website

Soon after the start of the internet age, the business industry as well as the income opportunities had considerably grown higher. Internet use has been maximized and endlessly enhanced to cater to higher technological needs. Various business establishments and entrepreneurs make use of the internet for their marketing campaigns. Find more about it here.

What is Web Development on the Web?

Web development is a broad term for any activities related to developing a web site for the World Wide Web or an intranet Web Development includes E-commerce business development, Client-side/server-side Scripting, web design, web content development and Web server configuration. However, among web professionals, “web development” usually refers only to the non-design aspects of building web sites, e.g. writing hyper text markup and coding.

Increase Your Website Performance For Fun and Profit – Part 2

In the second part of this article we look at more techniques for optimizing your website performance. Website performance is key to keeping your users onboard. Imagine if Google took 20 seconds to load every time you visited it. You’d soon start using another search engine.

Increase Your Website Performance For Fun and Profit – Part 1

Website performance is a hot topic these days. Research has shown that by decreasing your page load time users will spend more time on your site. This article has some tips and instructions for speeding up your website.

The Difference Between Web Design and Web Development

When you think about the difference between web design and web development you can compare it to the difference between architecture and construction. One deals with the appearance inclusive of the layout, colors, interaction between links etc related to a website or application while the other deals with the implementation or the “how” part of the process. This includes method of implementation and programming of the website or software.

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