WC Marketplace Vendor Filter


This plugin is an ad-don for WCMarketplace – Free Multi Vendor Marketplace powered by Woo-commerce it adds new filter for your store listing key features given below..


  • Separate Fields form.
  • All-In-One field form.
  • Standard results in HTML view.
  • Map + standard HTML view.
  • Results on Google Map view only.
  • Get Direction for stores.
  • Widget Separate fields form.


  • Filter by Country
  • Filter by State
  • Filter by City
  • Filter by Zip/PostCode
  • Filter by Product Category
  • Filter by Store Name

Short Codes:

  • For Filter
  • For All-In-One Field
  • For Results

Admin options:

  • Set Custom Page for Results
  • Enable/Disable Fields country ,state ,city ,store name whatever you wish to show
  • Enable/Disable Theme support like bootstrap and select2
  • Show Ratting Count next to store name
  • Google Map for Map Only for results only and for both check the demo.
  • Google Map Zoom.
  • Google Map height.
  • Google Map API Key

If you want to customize some HTML and form CSS easy file edits will make it happen! Read documentaiton for customization.
Version 1.2.1
– Fixed css issues
– Fixed js issues
– Added google map results view
– Added widget
– Added category field in location form
– Some more tweeks
version 1.0.2
some major fixes and updates

versison 1.0.1
initial release


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