WooCommerce & Easy Digital Download License Manager – Digital Software License Management


Sparkle WooCommerce & Easy Digital Download Software License Manager is fully compatible with Easy Digital Downloads and WooCommerce, And It helps you to manage, activate, deactivate, and delete the licenses. Plugin Admin can control the license as per need. They can disable the license, they can extend the license, or delete it. Also, the plugin admin can control the activated sites.

You can easily sell your themes and plugins and generate recurring income regularly.

Demos and Detail Information

Easy Digital Download

Sparkle WE License Manager Pugin, Sparkle PluginSparkle WE License Manager Pugin, Sparkle PluginSparkle WE License Manager Pugin, Sparkle PluginSparkle WE License Manager Pugin, Sparkle PluginSparkle WE License Manager Pugin, Sparkle PluginSparkle WE License Manager Pugin, Sparkle Plugin

Easy Digital Download License Manager Features

  1. Generate license keys for each purchase of download.
  2. Enable licensing for your specified download products only. There is an option to enable licensing for each product/download so you can enable licensing for your required download products only.
  3. You can define license type as limited or unlimited. Allow users to use the license key for a specific time duration or for a lifetime.
  4. You can define your license key to be activated up to certain domains after that user is not allowed to use a license key.
  5. Get the list of the license keys in-licenses page where you can manage license-related tasks like regenerating license keys, editing expiration date, changing license type, changing activation limits, etc.
  6. Admin and user both can manage their active sites.
  7. Our plugin supports licensing renewal features as well. If you have enabled license renewal you can set license
    renewal discounts and options to disable discount codes during license renewal. And also for individual
    download products, you can disable the license renewal discount and overwrite the renewal discount percentage.
  8. For automatic updates of WordPress themes and plugins, you can configure it in the products of each individual download. You can set the latest plugin version number, update the file, and it’s the changelog.
  9. You can schedule the sending of emails using cron. You can send renewal notifications before and after
    the expiry date of license keys.
  10. You can use various template tags for the email body.

Plugin Documentation Here.

Change Logs:

== Change logs = 
= 1.0.4  Sep 7th, 2022 =
- EDD Bundle product license generate
- Sort code domain list with a link tag
- Code refactor

= 1.0.3 Aug 30th, 2022 =
- Email Template Error - Fixed

= 1.0.2 Jun 26th, 2022 =
- Reporting View - Improvement
- License Details page - Improvement
- License Validation - Improvement
- Third-Party validation API - added
- Theme License SDK - Improvement

= 1.0.1 =
- Display the reports about licenses on the plugin's report page.
- Addition of pie chart, line chart, and column charts for the analytic display of licenses.

= 1.0.0 =
- Initial submission of a plugin


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