Can Anyone Live a Blessed Life?

Can Anyone Live a Blessed Life?

Moses gives the least motivating pep talk ever in the third movement of Deuteronomy. He outlines God’s covenant and the various blessings and curses associated with it, and then he tells Israel, “You’re going to fail.” Talk about demoralizing! In this episode, join Tim and Jon as they explore the paradox of righteousness accomplished by divine sovereignty and human freedom through the lens of Deuteronomy and the New Testament writers.

Building A Website – 3 Vital Steps Before You Do Anything

Did you read the title? These are 3 absolutely vital steps you need to take before you even think about building any kind of website! It’s that important!

4 Essential Tools You Need To Make An Income On Any Website

Discover the 4 essential tools you’ll need if you want to even consider making a full-time income online. If you’re an “online business owner”…THIS IS A MUST READ!

Using Custom Website Design to Improve Customer Service

Website design is at its best when it is built on as many aspects of customer service possible. Online business owners who create a custom website design that’s focused on the concerns of their visitors can jump ahead of their competitors. Why?

How To Create Your Free Website In 5 Simple Steps And Start Profit From It?

Ever dream of having a your own website? And start making some money online?

Build Your Own Websites

Back in the early days of the Internet, only a select few were able to, or could be bothered with, creating a website. The thing was that the Internet was still clunky and slow, and was the domain of nerds and real programmers who had the knowledge to make a website. These people understood HTML. There were no programs like Dreamweaver available back then. Building a website was very labour intensive, and not something that just anyone could do.

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