Complete WordPress Blogging Android iOS Apps Using Ionic 5 Angular


WordPress is actually a Blogging Environment which is sometimes used as a content management system that powers 36% of all websites on our planet. It is lite weight, fast loading and highly expandable using tons of free plugins and themes. Starting as a blogging website, it is now used for many different purposes, even as ecommerce and point of sale.

In a standard WordPress Blog Website, a user can read latest posts from different authors or bloggers, browse and read posts by categories or based on a specific tag, browse and read all posts from blog home, leave comment and reply to a post as well as logged in as a author to create his own posts, update his existing posts as well as view his personal profile and own posts.

Responsive websites are not that user friendly that an app can be. Have you even imagined if you can do all of the above directly from mobile devices like Android or iOS?

Yes, that’s possible, you are in the right place.
This WordPress Blog App has been designed and developed to do so that you usually on a WordPress website from your computer.

You can read the latest posts, browse and read all the posts from the blog home page, browse posts by categories or tags, leave comments and reply as well.

The most interesting part is, you can login as an author, view all your own posts, update existing posts as well as create new posts directly from mobile apps like Android or iOS.

This app is ready to integrate with any WordPress website right away, generate android and iOS apps from a single source code base and submit to the app store and play store.

So if you are a WordPress Blog Website Owner or WordPress based News Website owner, this app can bring the ultimate relaxation and flexibilities to your target users and bloggers.

The full source code will be provided with a complete developer documentation so that the app can be easily rebranded to your choice.

Also you are open to offer me to personalize the app for you with new functions, enhancements, theming or anything that needs to meet your business standards.

App Demo: A PWA Version of Demo can be found here
Use Google Chrome or Firefox browser’s responsive design mode to get an experience about how does it look like in a real device.
If you want an installer APK for android to test in real device, please use my user page contact form here and leave a message with your email ID, I will send you an APK package as soon as possible.

The full source code will be provided with a complete developer documentation so that the app can be easily rebranded to your choice. Also you are open to offer me to personalize the app for you with new functions, enhancements, theming or anything that needs to meet your business standards. Please use my user page contact form here and leave a message with your email ID, I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Key Features:

  1. View All Posts in Blog Home using Ion Infinite Scroll
  2. View Posts by Categories
  3. View Posts by Tags
  4. View Latest Posts
  5. Go to details view of the post from any pages
  6. Top right has share button to share the post anywhere
  7. Users can leave reply and comments to a post
  8. Securely login as author
  9. Logged in author can see his profile
  10. Logged in author can see the list of his/her own posts
  11. Logged in author can create new posts
  12. Logged in author can edit his own posts
  13. Comment left from app awaits for admin approval
  14. Post created by author from app awaits for admin approval
  15. App checks for an active internet connection when any page loads
  16. App shows message if there is no internet connection
  17. User can use pull to refresh feature to refresh content
  18. User can pull to refresh after getting back internet connection to get the content
  19. Every personal pages and tabs are securely protected by authentication guard
  20. Every posts or comments data are sanitized properly before submission
  21. Authorization for creating a post or leave a comment is implemented using Json Web Token
  22. Finally ready to integrate with any WordPress Blog Websites with multi blogger environment or WordPress Powered News Websites



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All Categories:

It pulls all the post categories from your blog, displaying them using Ion list with a badge that shows the number of posts belonging to that category.

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All Tags:

It pulls all the tags of posts from your blog, displayed using Ion list with a badge that shows the number of posts belonging to that tag.

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Latest Posts:

It pulls 10 most recent posts from blogs and displays them using Ion Card.


My Profile: This is a personal page for a blogger or author or user.

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My Post: It lists posts of current logged in blogger/author.

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Add Posts: Add new post from app.

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Other Internal Pages:

Post Details View with Comment List and Leave a Reply:

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Eidt Own Post

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