East African Church Planting | International Churches of Christ

East African Church Planting | International Churches of Christ

A new church planting and students coming together from across East Africa.

Website Builder – Quick And Easy

You have made the decision to get a website and that’s great! Now you need to figure out how to do this. You have a domain name and you have a place to put it online but how do you do it?

Tips For Organizing a Family Website

These days it is no longer necessary to learn computer code to build your own family website. A myriad of software products allows busy parents to make an original site without any confusing scripts or jargon.

What You Should Know About Web 2.0 Development

When it comes to developing a Web 2.0 application, there are a few basic ideas to keep in mind. Essentially, these types of developments have been with us ever since the beginning of the Internet, but owing to innovations in technology are now coming into their own. Here are some of the basic points to keep in mind when engaging in the task of Web 2.0 development.

A Little Secret With BIG BENEFITS

What is one of the most important elements you can have on your web page? Do you know the answer to this question? I must tell you 99% of websites don’t have it – and it is a crying shame. I learned it from the best of the best marketers around. And it is something that everyone should do. That is if you want to be successful in your online business.

Semantic Web Services

Today, Web Services are self-contained, self-described, component applications that can be published, located, and invoked across the Web. Through the Semantic Web, users and software agents would be able to discover, invoke, compose, and monitor Web resources offering particular services with a high degree of automation. Recent industrial interest in such services and the availability of tools to enable service automation suggests the possibility that fast progress can be made.

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