Jesus the Way to the Father – The Vine and the Branches | John 14, 15 & 16 – Jesus Speaks

Jesus the Way to the Father - The Vine and the Branches | John 14, 15 & 16 - Jesus Speaks

Animated Jesus Speaks powerful scriptures for: meditation, prayer, sleep, study, building your faith, prayer walks, alone time with God, worship, and so much more.

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with all my heart,
in Christ,
CS (Multimedia Producer of Jesus Speaks)


#encouraginggscriptures #hisword #jesusspeaks
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Intro Music by

Background Music by

90% of Images and video are from and (Royalty free images)

The other 10% of images and video are created by (Copyright images)

Pixabay License:
Pexels License:
Jesus Voice created with Speechelo:

All Scripture is from the NIV from

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