Painter of Jesus Dies & Sees Relatives in Heaven – BEFORE They Died!

Painter of Jesus Dies & Sees Relatives in Heaven - BEFORE They Died!

When Tina Schmidt showed Randy Kay her painting of Jesus he remarked: “That’s it! You caught the essence of Jesus!” In this vodcast short, Tina explains how she saw her relatives in Heaven before they died. This extraordinary event is unique, as though God’s past is in our future, which is exactly how Randy explains this phenomena in his book, Revelations From Heaven. Watch and be blessed.
#God #Jesus #viral #Heaven #tinaschmidt #randykayministries

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Welcome to Randy Kay’s YouTube channel, where we bring encouraging messages of hope through the inspirations of God’s Holy Spirit, and miraculous encounters like those who have experienced the afterlife.

Revelations From Heaven:
New Book! – Real Near Death Experience Stories: True Accounts of Those Who Died and Experienced Immortality:


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