She Died in Surgery & Met Jesus – What’s Next?

She Died in Surgery & Met Jesus - What's Next?

Donna suffered from an implant that caused horrific pain. She went from doctor to doctor seeking relief, but none could cure her problem. Then she heard of a specialist who could successfully remove the device. At some point she suffered from cardiac arrest and immediately found herself in Heaven. Then she saw a brilliant Light the cast forth immense Love – it was Jesus! Discover in this interview the incredible peace, love, joy, and comfort elicited through Donna’s personal encounter with Jesus.
#God #viral #Jesus #Heaven

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Welcome to Randy Kay’s YouTube channel, where we bring encouraging messages of hope through the inspirations of God’s Holy Spirit, and miraculous encounters like those who have experienced the afterlife.

Randy’s best selling book, Revelations From Heaven:
New Book! – Stories of Heaven and the Afterlife:
Real Near Death Experience Stories: True Accounts of Those Who Died and Experienced Immortality:


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How to Create Niche Specific Content For Your Website

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How to Perfectly Plan For a New Website

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An Introduction to HTML – Learning the Basics

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Getting Started With Domain Names and Hosting Services

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