CookieInfo.js – EU Cookie Law Compliance Script


Cookie Compliance is an EU law. Inform your visitors in an elegant manner. Check out the live demo!

Prefer the WordPress version? Check it out here.

Awesome Features

  • Responsive Design: Works perfectly on smaller screens. The responsive design scales down to match the screen. Try resizing your browser!
  • Easy to Customise: Dark or light theme, top or bottom, colours, text, buttons and many more easily configurable options.
  • Lightweight: Only runs where necessary. Otherwise, just sits tight in the background. Weighs only 3kb and uses the latest technology and methods for efficiency.
  • Easy Install: Add the CSS file, the javascript, a line of configuration and you’re done! Simple, right?

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CookieInfo.js - EU Cookie Law Compliance Script - 1 Support

In trouble? No problem, contact me using the form on my envato profile page here. I’ll be happy to help you out.

Firstly please check out the FAQ section and see if you could find any solutions there.

You can also contact me via the contact form on my profile page. I’ll be happy to help or provide support for my products. Support questions about my products on envato marketplaces sent via any other means will be ignored.

Please try to include the following information if applicable with your message.

  • Product name.
  • URL to your affected page.
  • Browser name & version.
  • + anything else that you think will help us generate a speedy response.

Also please rate this with five stars after receiving support 12345 ;)


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