During Interview About New Afterlife Book He Shares Crisis

During Interview About New Afterlife Book He Shares Crisis

The “Two Christian Dudes” are back, and they are introducing a new book: Stories of Heaven & the Afterlife. During this interview Randy Kay questions his good friend Shaun Tabatt about their experiences interviewing many afterlife survivors. The answers will help listeners to glean a clearer understanding of themes that will help explain your eternity. Toward the end of this interview, Shaun shares a health crisis within his family. This is the first time Shaun has shared this deeply personal struggle in a broadcasting setting, and viewers will be given the opportunity to pray for a miracle, and to help support the Tabatt family of ten children through your prayers and possible contribution to offset the financial burdens from mounting hospital bills and other consuming costs. Thank you Shaun Tabatt for sharing your heart with us – we are honored.
#God #Jesus #viral #Heaven #hell #afterlife #NDE

Order the Two Christian Dudes new book – Stories of Heaven and the Afterlife: https://tinyurl.com/3ku8rpdv

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Welcome to Randy Kay’s YouTube channel, where we bring encouraging messages of hope through the inspirations of God’s Holy Spirit, and miraculous encounters like those who have experienced the afterlife.

Revelations From Heaven: https://bit.ly/3J7bsUm
First Book Released by Shaun and Randy – Real Near Death Experience Stories: True Accounts of Those Who Died and Experienced Immortality: https://amzn.to/3OnWiOf

►►Donate to Shaun: http://ShaunTabatt.com/donate

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A big thank you to our sponsor Pop Up Pet Door. A simple solution Pet Door for you and your pets. ►Check out how easy it is! – https://youtu.be/sbJV1qmgc6o

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